21 Under 31: Young Artists to Watch in 2013 | Melissa Franklin Sanchez

Melissa Franklin Sanchez, My Window, oil, 37 x 24.

Melissa Franklin Sanchez, My Window, oil, 37 x 24.


Art Education: The Slade School of Fine Art in London and the Florence Academy of Art in Italy.

Style: Realism.

Creative Spark: I find inspiration in my relationships with people and places around me. Aesthetically it is light, color, and design that draw me to a subject. Conceptually, I am interested in time, energy, and spirit. I am naturally drawn to aspects of life that transcend time—moments that could have been yesterday, today, or tomorrow. By observing nature, our environment, and how we respond to it, we can understand ourselves better and find greater meaning in our lives.

Best Advice Received: Make a career out of something you love.

Favorite Studio Music: Works for the violin by Brahms and music by Serenata Guayanesa, a Venezuelan vocal and instrumental group.

Favorite Work by Another Artist: There are so many. Right now I am inspired by the sunsets of George Inness. And by the interiors of Vilhelm Hammershøi and Joaquin Sorolla.

Representation: Jack Meier Gallery, Houston, TX; Grenning Gallery, Sag Harbor, NY; Scriba Gallery, Venice, Italy; Salve Art Gallery, Leipzig, Germany; melissafranklinsanchez.blogspot.com.

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