21 Under 31: Young Artists to Watch in 2013 | Barry Carter

Barry Carter, Solemnity, oil, 16 x 20.

Barry Carter, Solemnity, oil, 16 x 20.


Art Education: I am an art major at Texas Christian University, studying painting. I have also attended Johnnie Liliedahl’s oil painting workshop; the Western Art Academy three-week workshop in Kerrville, TX; and a four-day workshop with Dalhart Windberg.

Style: Contemporary realism.

Creative Spark: I love exploring a subject that radiates emotion, whether it be through strong lighting and contrast, vibrant colors, expressive brush stokes, or merely the expression upon the subject’s facial features that strikes a chord with the audience.

Second-Choice Career: I’d really love to be a quarterback in the National Football League.

Other Passions: Music in general. I can’t ever stop writing, singing, or listening to music. I play the piano, guitar, and drums to pass the time when I’m not painting. I also love being in the gym.

Barry Carter, Smokey and the Bandit, oil, 18 x 24.

Barry Carter, Smokey and the Bandit, oil, 18 x 24.

One Thing Most People Don’t Know About You: I’m going to a studio soon to record some of my written music.

Best Advice Received: Success is 10 percent talent; the other 90 percent is perseverance.

Biggest Fear: Spiders, scorpions, snakes, or anything that could be considered a creepy crawler. Oh, and flying bugs, too.

Mantra or Motto You Live By: As you sow, so shall you reap.

Price Range: $500 to $5,000.

Representation: Southwest Gallery, Dallas, TX; www.barrycarterfineart.blogspot.com.

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