Women Artists of the West | Sherry Cobb

Works by Sherry Cobb

See more work by Cobb at www.sherryspaintedhorsestudio.com.

Sherry Cobb, Fall Shadows, oil.

Sherry Cobb, Fall Shadows, oil.

Sherry Cobb, Sorting at the A Bar V, oil.

Sherry Cobb, Sorting at the A Bar V, oil.

Sherry Cobb, The Guided Hand, oil, 20 x 16.

Sherry Cobb, The Guided Hand, oil, 20 x 16.

Sherry Cobb, Time Tested, oil, 18 x 14.

Sherry Cobb, Time Tested, oil, 18 x 14.

Sherry Cobb, Tucked In, oil.

Sherry Cobb, Tucked In, oil.