40 Prominent People | Cowboy Artists of America

Cowboy Artists of America
Tim Cox, President

Cowboy Artists of America

Distinction: The Cowboy Artists of America helped to kick off the western art movement and continue to set the standard for artworks that depict the authentic West.
What has been the biggest change you’ve seen in the art world during your career? One of the biggest changes has been the movement from mostly gallery representation and gallery shows for artists, to mostly museum and other fund-raising shows and auctions, which are not necessarily involved in selling artwork year-round.
What are you proudest of about the organization? I think it’s the longevity of the Cowboy Artists of America, which I personally believe is a testament to the integrity and talents of the individual members. The fact that CAA members, for going on 46 years now, have inspired generations of artists—and they’re still going strong—is something to be extremely proud of.
How do you think members want the organization to be remembered? I think we want to be remembered for accomplishing the five objectives that our founding fathers defined: perpetuating the memory and culture of the Old West as typified by the late Frederic Remington, Charles Russell, and others; insuring authentic representations of the life of the West, as it was and is; maintaining standards of quality in contemporary Western art; helping guide collectors of Western art; and giving mutual assistance in protection of artists’ rights.
What do you hope the organization accomplishes in the next 10 years? This is an interesting question to be addressing today. Yesterday I communicated the CA’s decision to no longer hold our annual show at the Phoenix Art Museum. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of the museum and its Men’s Arts Council, and wish them well as we go our separate ways. We are currently working to secure a new location for the annual Cowboy Artists of America Sale & Exhibition. My hope is that this move will ensure the continued success of the CAs, allowing us to maintain their uniqueness while staying true to our objectives and moving forward as a vibrant, healthy, cohesive group.
Describe the organization in one word. Quality.

Featured in “40 Prominent People” in May 2011.